A Collaboration With
Strengthening Recovery Support in Communities Nationwide
In collaboration with SAMHSA’s Office of Recovery, the CARS program aims to expand access to training and technical assistance for addiction recovery support services nationwide.
CARS is led by One World Recovery Network (OWRN), a Peer-Led Recovery Community Organization. CARS expands upon the previous work done by the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence (PRCOE); and is committed to expanding recovery support resources for all communities.
Featured Products
The Role of the Peer Specialist
An introduction to the role of a peer specialist, intended to serve as a summary for those who may be new and/or unfamiliar with the role.
Recovery Friendly Workplace Toolkit
In this toolkit, we introduce substance use disorder, its impact in the workplace, and how to develop and support a Recovery Friendly Workplace.
Increasing Accessibility with Translation & Interpretation Services Toolkit
Learn how substance use disorder and mental health facilities can benefit from providing extensive language services.
“Together, we’re building stronger,
more supportive communities.”
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