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Recovery Talk Podcast


Recovery Talk is a monthly, educational podcast from the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence (PR CoE) hosted by Shannon Roberts, one of our program managers. Each month, our host talks with experts in the field about their lived experience, discussing substance use challenges, resources to assist those with substance use challenges and/or their families, and best practices for the delivery of peer recovery support services. Our goal in sharing stories and information is to provide hope and resources to the field of peer recovery. To listen on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe, click here.

For more information about the podcast, please contact Shannon Roberts at

Organizational Stakeholders of the Month, Vol. 19

Released 07/17/2024

We are bringing you another episode full of conversations with some of our organizational stakeholders. This month, we get to hear from Kate Bastedenbeck of the Over the Rainbow Project and Wendy Jones of the Minnesota Alliance of Recovery Community Organizations. Stay tuned for stories from the field!

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Organizational Stakeholders of the Month, Vol. 18

Released 06/04/2024

We are bringing you another episode full of conversations with some of our organizational stakeholders. This month, we get to hear from Kattie Lail of We Face It Together and Betsy Craft of Colorado Drug Policy Coalition. Stay tuned for stories from the field!

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Organizational Stakeholders of the Month, Vol. 17

Released 05/13/2024

This month, we are bringing you an episode with one of our Organizational Stakeholders, Dolan Research International. In it, we speak with Johanna Dolan and Kris McGinnis about their work through and operations of Dolan Research International. And without further ado, let’s get talking!

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Organizational Stakeholders of the Month, Vol. 16

Released 04/08/2024

This month, we are bringing you another episode filled with conversations with some of our organizational stakeholders. I had the privilege of talking with Chrystal Cantrell of Take Action Today, Dana Smith of New Life II, and Darrell Keim of Latah Recovery Community Center. Get ready to hear from some incredible people doing incredible things. And without further ado, let’s get talking!

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Ep. 28 Peers & Doulas: Harm Reduction for Pregnant People

Released 03/04/2024

This month, we are bringing you an episode hosted by my colleague, Steph Spitz. In it, she talks with Kasey Edwards Snider of Providence Project Nurture and Sarah Bovee of Legacy Midwifery Project Nurture about perinatal harm reduction and the vital role a doula with lived experience plays in the lives of pregnant people with substance use challenges.

You can reach our guests at their work numbers: Sarah at 503-347-3168 and Kasey at 971-808-6217.

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Ep. 27 Harm Reduction & Peer Support: Moving Beyond Abstinence-Based Models

Released 02/14/2024

In this first episode of the year for us, we’ve brought Tim Saubers back to host a conversation around the intersection of harm reduction and peer support: moving beyond abstinence-based models. In December of last year, Tim hosted a similar conversation for his communities of practice series. In this episode, Tim talks with Jose Martinez of the National Harm Reduction Coalition, and Arc Telos Saint Amour and Shayn McDonald both of Youth MOVE National, to get their perspectives on the subject.

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Organizational Stakeholders of the Month, Vol. 15

Released 12/05/2023

This month, we are bringing you another conversation with one of our organizational stakeholders. In this episode, we talk with Donald Gunther of Mary Hall Freedom Village.

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Organizational Stakeholders of the Month, Vol. 14

Released 11/01/2023

This month, we are bringing you another conversation with one of our organizational stakeholders. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Mo of Straight Up Care.

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Ep. 26 What Peers Want Clinicians & Providers to Know

Released 10/02/2023

This month, we are bringing you an episode inspired by the Clinical Training Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health’s Clinician Café: Utilizing the Intersection of Family Planning and Harm Reduction in Communities. In this episode, I talk with Casey Johnson, a harm reduction specialist, and Russell Campillo, a peer educator. They share their personal experience engaging with clinicians, the intersection of harm reduction and sexual reproductive health, and what guidance they have for clinicians addressing harm reduction with their patients.

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Organizational Stakeholders of the Month, Vol. 13

Released 08/31/2023

This month, we are bringing you another conversation with a few of our organizational stakeholders.

In this 13th episode of the series, we talk with Stefanie Robinson of Hope Recovery Community, and Patty McCarthy of Faces and Voices of Recovery. Find out more about Recovery Month.

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Recovery Talk Podcast Playlist

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© Copyright 2022 Peer Recovery CoE - All Rights Reserved

Funding for this initiative was made possible by grant no. 1H79TI083022 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
