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Workforce Retention Learning Collaborative - 2024

The purpose of this learning collaborative is to provide peer recovery support specialist employers in a variety of settings with the opportunity to learn more about how their policies and procedures, organizational structures, partners, and systems in which they’re embedded play a role in retaining their PRSS staff. Historically, workforce retention has been focused on building workplaces that support wellness, centered on burnout and compassion fatigue. However, there has been a large gap regarding the role that employers and systems play in contributing to staff turnover and PRSS leaving the profession. Through engagement in small and large group sessions, as well as organization-specific TA, employers will be able to work with uniquely qualified experts from diverse professional backgrounds to build tools and skills to reshape their understanding of the peer ethos and adjust organizational policy in order to better retain their PRSS staff.

This series will focus on 5 employer / organization types: Peer run respites, RCOs, substance use treatment agencies, certified community behavioral health clinics, and community-based organizations or programs. We anticipate working with a cohort of 15 organizations from around the country. Please be aware that this learning collaborative is open to teams of 2 - 4 people per organization and is intended for those in management roles such as directors.

We will host 6 sessions and 1 kickoff meeting in addition to monthly organization / program-specific TA that participants will receive from their facilitators. Each participating organization is required to meet with their assigned facilitator at least once per month and is required to attend all of the plenary sessions. Please keep this in mind when applying as we are looking for organizations that can maintain this commitment throughout the learning collaborative.

Session Dates: 2nd Tuesday of the month:  12-2pm Eastern / 11am - 1pm Central / 10am - 12pm Mountain / 9 - 11am Pacific

  • February 13th
  • March 12th
  • April 9th
  • May 14th
  • June 11th
  • July 9th

Link to Apply (Deadline December 15th):
For any additional questions please contact Tim Saubers, at

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Funding for this initiative was made possible by grant no. 1H79TI083022 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
