The Phoenix Tales Recovery Storytelling workshop is no longer accepting applications. We had a resounding response and the application process is now closed. Please check out our other events for additional opportunities.
Want to transform the way you share your lived experience and significantly deepen your impact? Phoenix Tales Recovery Storytelling is a creative, collaborative, informative, and fun process in which participants cultivate both the craft and advocacy of their storytelling with techniques from Theatre, Recovery Coaching, and the art form of Personal Narrative Storytelling. Participants will craft a personal story of their own about an experience from their past, understand positive recovery messaging in stories, discover a more authentic voice, and reduce internal and external stigma and shame, resulting in a story that is a more effective tool for healing the self and deeper impact for advocacy and social change. Participants leave with the skills to apply these techniques to their storytelling and advocacy work in the future.
Please note, this is a 9.5 hour training that takes place over two days.
Dates (must attend both days):
Time: 10:45a - 3:30p ET/9:45a - 2:30p CT/8:45a - 1:30p MT/7:45a - 12:30p PT
This workshop has a maximum capacity of 24 individuals. The first step in the process is an application to attend, which is linked below. You will be notified on Friday, 6/23/23 whether your application has been accepted and if it has, provided a link to register. Because of the limited seats, we ask that you are available for both sessions in full before applying.
Funding for this initiative was made possible by grant no. 1H79TI083022 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.