About the Authors

Kris Kelly

Kris Kelly is a project manager for the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence, leading the RCO capacity-building team through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With over a decade of experience in the recovery field, Kris has worked with a wide variety of systems and settings designing and implementing strategies to empower people with lived experience to lead the process in systems change, integrate peer services, and develop recovery-oriented practices. Prior to joining UW, Kris was director of a Minnesota RCO where she facilitated Recovery Coach training, developed and supervised peer programing, and supported Minnesota’s efforts to grow the peer recovery specialist workforce. She has a passion for holistic wellness in her own recovery journey and has dedicated her personal and professional life to ensuring those who struggle have the opportunity to get well—without judgment, without having to jump through countless hoops, with choice and dignity throughout the process.

Sarah Cohn, MA

Sarah Cohn has been working in and with the nonprofit sector for over 20 years, and they have spent the last decade focusing on helping nonprofits of all kinds achieve their mission and better serve their communities. Sarah helps her clients build their capacity to listen, learn, and lead. Sarah has written, presented, and contributed to numerous guidebooks, training programs, and online resources focused on developing nonprofits’ skills and practices in evaluation, planning, board and leadership development, and organizational sustainability.

Sarah has a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota. She studied psychology at Bowdoin College. 

Nell Hurley, MA

Nell Hurley is a seasoned professional in the field of addiction recovery and wellness. As a life/recovery coach and fitness trainer, she has dedicated her career to empowering individuals on their journey to recovery and optimal health.

Ms. Hurley’s background includes pivotal roles such as the executive director of Minnesota Recovery Connection, Minnesota’s first Recovery Community Organization, where she was instrumental in bringing peer support to Minnesota and developing innovative recovery programs. She has also held leadership roles in institutions like the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and The Phoenix, where she led initiatives to promote long-term recovery solutions.

In 2020, Ms. Hurley founded Hurley Health, a pioneering venture that integrates fitness coaching with recovery support, reflecting her holistic approach to wellness. Her work is characterized by a deep understanding of the interplay between physical health and addiction recovery, which she applies to help clients achieve sustainable change.

Ms. Hurley holds a master’s degree in English literature and a master’s degree in business with a focus on nonprofit management. She was on the board of Faces & Voices of Recovery from 2010–2014, and she has been a member of the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence since 2020. She is also a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and kettlebell instructor, and 10-time marathon finisher, qualifications and experiences that enrich her coaching methodology. Through her leadership, training, and advocacy, Nell continues to be a driving force in transforming lives and strengthening the recovery community.

Daniel Hatcher | They/Them

Daniel Hatcher is a dedicated harm reduction advocate and a fervent supporter of queer rights and drug user activism. Their work is deeply rooted in a philosophy of compassionate care for individuals dealing with substance use, guided by the principles of Unconditional Love, Limitless Compassion, Courageous Kindness, Selfless Service, and Absolute Integrity.

Daniel’s approach is characterized by a commitment to achieving practical policy reforms that support recovery processes. Through grassroots initiatives and a strong belief in the value of peer support services, Daniel has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to driving positive change. They underscore the importance of harnessing the transformative power of lived and living experiences, aiming to empower individuals to effectively manage the complexities associated with substance use, build robust community networks, and gain access to vital support mechanisms necessary for realizing their full potential.

As a proactive champion for positive transformation, Daniel Hatcher, also known as Sapphyre Monroe-Fillups, generously contributes their time and resources to the queer community. They are instrumental in turning every event into a vibrant celebration of pride, inclusivity, and acceptance. Daniel’s advocacy efforts and ability to build meaningful connections exemplify their conviction that united efforts can significantly contribute to the eradication of transphobia, heterosexism, homophobia, and mono-normativity.

Annie Powell

Annie Powell is the visionary leader behind One World Recovery Network, serving as the founder and CEO of a Recovery Community Organization committed to equitable access to quality support services for all. Her advocacy extends beyond her organization, as she actively champions peer-led and culturally responsive services, recognizing the pivotal role they play in ensuring holistic and effective support for diverse communities.
With a unique perspective shaped by her own lived experience, Annie is deeply dedicated to reducing disparities faced by individuals experiencing substance use and mental health challenges and fostering environments that prioritize the diverse needs and preferences of individuals seeking recovery.
Annie's commitment to peer-run organizations is evident in her multifaceted role across various boards and advisory positions. She champions research, policy, and practices aimed at expanding funding, diversifying the peer workforce, and improving recovery outcomes.
Annie holds the distinction of being a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC) and a certified Peer Supervisor, leveraging over two decades of hands-on experience in the recovery field. Her journey as a person with lived experience fuels her passion for advocating transformative approaches to recovery, making her a driving force in the quest for inclusive and accessible support services.
Annie stands as a beacon of hope, a licensed professional, and a passionate advocate, tirelessly working to break down barriers and pave the way for a more inclusive and recovery-oriented future.

Wendy Jones, MA

A person in long-term recovery, Wendy Jones is the co-founder and executive director of the Minnesota Alliance of Recovery Community Organizations, a statewide RCO whose mission is to educate, advocate, and mobilize the community-based recovery movement across Minnesota. She previously served as executive director of the state's oldest RCO, Minnesota Recovery Connection, and has been a strong advocate for peer-led, community-based recovery support services across Minnesota. She joined Minnesota Recovery Connection after a long career with the Minnesota Historical Society, where she was the director of education. Wendy has a Master of Public Affairs degree from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and is a member of the Minnesota Governor’s Advisory Council on Opioids, Substance Use, and Addiction.