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The Peer Recovery Center of Excellence exists to enhance the field of peer recovery support services. Led by those with lived experience, peer voice is at the core of our work and guides our mission. Peers—people in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) or substance use challenges—serve a valuable role in helping persons with substance use challenges in achieving and maintaining long-term recovery. We are here to offer help from those who have done this work to those wanting to enhance or begin peer support services in their communities! Below is a library of reports, toolkits, previous trainings, and other products we have created for the field.

We are still in the midst of uploading the recordings of our previous trainings onto this page. If you're not finding what you are looking for here, check out our Vimeo page.

If you would like to check out other resources from the field, please see our Resource Library.

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In this episode, our host spoke with Tim Saubers and Haner Hernandez, both PR CoE team members. Tim and Haner discussed their experiences with cultural identity and how that affected their recovery and healing journeys.

In this episode, our host spoke with Tim Saubers and Haner Hernandez, both PR CoE team members. Tim and Haner discussed their experiences with cultural identity and how that affected their recovery and healing journeys.


The Peer Recovery CoE is pleased to share Building and Strengthening the Capacity of Recovery Community Organizations: Results of a Needs Assessment Across U.S. RCOs. The purpose of this multi-modal needs assessment of RCOs within the 10 HHS regions was to determine strengths and challenges across RCO setting types in order to guide the future endeavors of the PR CoE, specifically through the provision of learning collaboratives and technical assistance. Through the utilization of digital surveys, regional stakeholder interviews and regional listening sessions, we were able to identify gaps in services and RCO resources, as well as an informed prioritization of future trainings and assistance offerings. This information will not only serve as guidance for the PR CoE, but is also available for those serving in any capacity with an RCO who might be seeking direction in allocating resources, financial or otherwise. We know that recovery is possible. And this hope inspires us to believe in the power of the collective. Together, we can work toward building and strengthening the capacity of Recovery Community Organizations.

The Peer Recovery CoE is pleased to share Building and Strengthening the Capacity of Recovery Community Organizations: Results of a Needs Assessment Across U.S. RCOs. The purpose of this multi-modal needs assessment of RCOs within the 10 HHS regions was to determine strengths and challenges across RCO setting types in order to guide the future endeavors of the PR CoE, specifically through the provision of learning collaboratives and technical assistance. Through the utilization of digital surveys, regional stakeholder interviews and regional listening sessions, we were able to identify gaps in services and RCO resources, as well as an informed prioritization of future trainings and assistance offerings. This information will not only serve as guidance for the PR CoE, but is also available for those serving in any capacity with an RCO who might be seeking direction in allocating resources, financial or otherwise. We know that recovery is possible. And this hope inspires us to believe in the power of the collective. Together, we can work toward building and strengthening the capacity of Recovery Community Organizations.

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Explainer Videos

The Peer Recovery Center of Excellence is excited to share this series of explainer videos on topics that are foundational to the recovery community; Recovery Community Organizations, Peer Support, Recovery Capital, and Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care. These concepts are familiar to the recovery community, but difficult to convey to the general, broader population in a succinct way. We are grateful to the PR CoE steering committee and peers partners for their input and support in the development of this series.

We hope that you use these videos to communicate core elements of your services, messaging, and marketing. They are a free resource, and do not require permission to use them; embed them in a presentation, in your newsletter, on your website, on your social media or email them directly to your audience. Our hope is to create dialogue on all these very important elements of the recovery community.

  1. What is Peer Support?
  2. What is a Recovery Community Organization?
  3. What is Recovery Capital?
  4. What is a Recovery-Oriented System of Care?

Haga clic aquí para videos explicativos en español




Comparative Analysis of State Requirements for Peer Support Specialist Training and Certification in the US

The Peer Recovery CoE is pleased to share Comparative Analysis of State Requirements for Peer Support Specialist Training and Certification in the United States. In recent decades, there has been increased recognition of the value of peer recovery support services in the behavioral health field. As recognition and evidence for best practices continue to emerge, each state is continually updating its training and certification requirements to improve the quality and practices of peer support in their communities. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of state peer recovery trainings and certifications as well as provide recommendations to better support those individuals seeking information about the peer support specialist certification application process.

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Funding for this initiative was made possible by grant no. 1H79TI083022 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
